Monday, April 10, 2006

Day 41

Visitor count to my home page: 19,793

One link Exchange accepted today :)
Beadwork by Sheree at - Sheree handcrafts all sorts of beaded jewelry, mothers bracelets, military jewelry, and deployment Bracelets, so if you need a unique bracelet check out her site!
So, move up to the top section of my directory page and get a 'link partner dragon' next to your name!

It was a good seminar over the weekend. Long hours, especially on Saturday when it started 8.30 in the morning and finished at 10pm.
I think they have convinced me to have a faster loading home page. apparantly 50% of people in the US still have dial up connections for the internet. I had no idea that that was so. I don't know anyone with dial up!
They didn't talk about links much. It was mentioned here and there,but not emphasized. Basically the angle they were coming from on the whole was that once one was established one would have an affiliate program and the affiliates would naturally link to your site. They went into getting super affiliates in great detail. No use for me! With wholesale there just isn't the margin to pay affiliates 30% or whatever.

Todays invites:
Harp and Dragon - Harps, Bagpipes, Irish flutes and whistles, and celtic jewelry
Anna and Bill's Awesome Hemp Jewelry
Invisible Clock
Walsh. Suppliers of jewellery and horology tools
Jewelry Casting & Finishing Services


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