Monday, March 27, 2006

Day 30

Visitor count to my home page: 18,766

No link exchanges accepted today :(

A few directories have linked to me from the directory submission. 3 I think. They probably just started doing them.

I came across this on a website today:
'Sadly, however, many doctors are not sharing this information with their patients. And even sadder is the fact that the U.S. Government has gone to great lengths to hide information from you. Information that proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are protecting the chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers and couldn't care less about you or your health. In fact, the sicker you are, the more money they make.'

It's what I've been thinking myself too. One time I used to trust my doctor, but I don't any more. I think that the pills they give you cause more problems on the whole than the condition you were trying to fix.
It didn't use to be that way. drugs were safer, doctors were more cautious about prescribing them and would take the time to explain possible side effects. A lot of doctors wouldn't prescribe a new drug. Figured it was better to wait and see if it turned out to be safe first. And I think that the tests for new drug safety were probably carried out more carefully.
I'm sure there are some good drugs. But I don't know how I would be able to find out which were and which weren't so mostly I'm trying to avoid the whole lot.
As it is now prescription drugs are probably the main cause of death.
Techically 'The fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. is properly prescribed and administered medication. By adding improperly prescribed medication to that equation, it becomes the third leading cause of death." - but a lot of deaths due to prescription drugs don't get recorded that way. I was reading all about the Aids debacle last night. There is no HIV virus. nobody has ever been able to isolate such a thing and with modern equipment they certainly could if it was there. They can with any other virus because those viruses exist.
So then they say certain antibodies prove that someone has aids. But antibodies on their own show that someone has succesfully fought off something. Who knows what.
'Aids' is 25 different conditions that existed before the aids scare. And yes, a lot of those are caused by 'poppers' and IV drug use and other self abuse.
So we are giving 10's of thousands of people 'medication' to kill a virus that doesn't exist and the 'medication' is killing them. But it isn't written that way. They officially died of kidney failure or whatever,officially caused by aids, but it was caused by the drugs.
We know that for sure. Some place in Africa has decided to have nothing to do with those drugs. The HIV positive people there fare much better even though they are often poorly fed or even starving at times.

Todays invites:
Your Wedding Bands
911 Medical Alert Jewelry
ambiguous designs
Beady Jans - Handcrafted beaded jewellery

Alternative Health:
Healthy Divas

Mobile Wheelchairs

US Gift Wholesale Jewelry


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